10 Nov 2011

DHI Weather Radar used to get the most out of wind energy

There is great energy and a lot of money in the wind that comes with thunderstorms.

Radardata There is great energy and a lot of money in the wind that comes with thunderstorms. To get the most out of it, DHI, in collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is carrying out a research project to predict when thunderstorms - and associated wind – are coming.

The project is based on data from the DHI Local Area Weather Radar installed at the Horns Rev offshore wind farm, owned by Dong Energy and Vattenfall. Results are expected to lead to savings in energy production, extension of the wind turbines lifespan and better planning of the maintenance work. The research project should be completed in 2012.

Learn more about this promising research project in the latest edition of DTU’s journal.