Understanding Nickel substances - DHI Case Story

Supporting the Nickel Institute and Nickel Consortia on REACH regarding registration, analysing nickel alternatives and evaluating the suitability of risk reduction measures

Nickel is an important element in many alloys such as stainless steel, and nickel substances are used for various purposes in cars, airplanes, batteries, electronics and industrial catalysts. The Nickel Institute and the Nickel Consortia were facing major challenges in meeting the requirements of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) registration deadline in 2010. Many nickel substances are seen as possible Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and as potential candidate substances for the Authorisation List. A listing here would dramatically change the environment for the use of nickel for industrial purposes as the long term intention would be to phase out its use. DHI supported the Nickel Institute and Nickel Consortia in these areas by assessing exposure and risks and by evaluating alternatives and consequences of a possible substitution.

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