15 Aug 2017

Flood and Drought Management project addresses climate change implications

Developing methodology and tools to assess, plan, implement

Finding answers to environmental concerns, such as water scarcity, droughts, fluctuating water levels and related river basin issues is a complex task. A collaborative approach among authorities at the global, national and local levels is often needed to develop solutions for these challenges.

An international consortium, the Flood and Drought Management Tools (FDMT) project, has been working with a number of stakeholders in three pilot river basins – Chao Phraya Basin, Lake Victoria Basin and Volta Basin to develop a series of methodology and online technical applications. 

These web-based tools will help authorities, such as basin organisations and water utilities, assess existing situations, plan for future scenarios, implement processes and thus increase efficiency and prioritise responses. 

A global initiative, the project will allow information to be gathered and analysed from a variety of sources – models, indicators and existing planning approaches. From there, water management authorities at the transboundary and national basin levels will be able to develop robust and resilient planning scenarios to tackle future water challenges. 

More about the Flood and Drought Management Tools project
The Flood and Drought Management Tools project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW) and implemented by UN Environment (UNEP), with DHI and the International Water Association (IWA) as the executing agencies.