21 Feb 2017

A web platform for monitoring UN SDG implementation

This first framework of its kind propels Africa to the forefront of documenting the progress of implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a transparent manner.

Documenting the progress of SDGs implementation in Africa 
Following the UN’s adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, specific targets were set for each goal over the next 15 years. In a project for African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), UNEP-DHI Partnership has developed a monitoring framework and a web-based reporting platform to help African countries monitor the implementation of political commitments for the water sector, including targets under these SDGs related to freshwater management:

  • Goal #6: Clean water and sanitation
  • Goal #7: Affordable and clean energy
  • Goal #11: Sustainable cities and communities; and
  • Goal #13: Climate action

This project is financed by the African Water Facility through the African Development Bank.

Africa is lagging behind in many aspects of development and management processes. However, this first framework of its kind propels her to the forefront of documenting the progress of SDG implementation, as well as other political water-related commitments, in a transparent manner. © DHI

An online reporting tool
On behalf of AMCOW, UNEP-DHI Partnership has just completed the first survey using the new online reporting tool. Following the establishment of this platform, staff from 44 countries were trained to use it. 42 out of 54 AMCOW member countries provided data and information to the system. Considering the short time for reporting, this is considered an extremely satisfactory response rate. The results of the survey are already available to the public. Go take a look!

This web platform is helping African countries monitor the implementation of political commitments for the water sector, including SDGs related to water. © DHI

Hopefully, this tool will serve as an inspiration to other regions or countries with similar challenges and objectives on monitoring and reporting of the UN SDGs.

Learn more
For more information about this project, contact us