14 Nov 2014

DHI speaks at the Oil Spill Health and Ecotoxicology Effects and Risk Assessment Workshop

Dr. Kim Parsberg Jakobsen and Dr. Matthieu Duchemin from DHI participated in the first cross-disciplinary Oil Spill Health and Ecotoxicology Effects and Risk Assessment Workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 10 and 11 November 2014.

Speaking to an audience of close to 50 industry professionals and academics from Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Australia, England and Denmark, the presentations by both speakers were well-received. 

Dr. Jakobsen – Head of Coastal and Marine Department, Kota Kinabalu, DHI Malaysia –  presented the topic ‘Exposure risk assessment of dispersants and dispersed oil: A coherent environmental modelling approach’, while Senior Ecotoxicologist Dr. Duchemin spoke on ‘Risk assessment of dispersants and dispersed oil: Lessons learnt from Europe and USA’.

Organised by the Malaysian Society of Toxicology in collaboration with the International Union of Toxicology, the conference was attended by toxicologists, environmental scientists and engineers from the petrochemical industry, universities and government agencies.